How I made a basic Webproxy


How I made a basic Webproxy

I wanted to document how I made a very simple Webproxy for anyone whos interested in this kind of stuff

First of all this not something like Ultraviolet.
Ultraviolet uses TompHTTP, Service Workers, and does JavaScript rewriting.

Frankly, all of that stuff is too complicated for me.

So instead I wanted to create a basic Webproxy that only does HTML and CSS rewriting.
This means only static sites will work.

How I made it

There are two parts, the server and the client.


The server is simple.
It uses ExpressJS and node-fetch.

ExpressJS is used for:

  • Serving the client
  • Creating the API for proxying the website
  • And controlling MIME types.

node-fetch is used for proxying the request to the website

This is the server code:

import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import express from 'express';

const publicPath = "public";
const port = 3000;

const blockList = [""]; // Sites in here will return 500
const jsInjection = `console.log('native');`; // Injects this into page

const app = express();

const handleResponse = async (response, res) => {
    const contentType = response.headers.get('content-type');
    res.setHeader('Content-Type', contentType);

    if (contentType && contentType.startsWith('text')) {
        const data = await response.text();
        const rewritten = data + `<script src="/native.js"></script>` + `<script>${jsInjection}</script>`; // Element Rewriting + JS Injection


    } else {
        const data = await response.arrayBuffer();
        const buffer = Buffer.from(data);


app.get('/url/*', async (req, res) => {
    const URL = req.params[0];
    if (blockList.includes(URL)) {
        res.status(500).send('Blocked URL');
    } // Block URLs

    try {
        const response = await fetch(URL);
        await handleResponse(response, res);

    } catch (error) {
        res.status(500).send('Error fetching URL');

app.listen(port, () => { 
    console.log(`Server is running on port: ${port}`); 

contentType is used for controlling how the content is being served.
Things like HTML, CSS, etc. use Content-Type text/*something* and are returned as text.
Meanwhile images use Content-Type image/*something* and return buffers.

    if (blockList.includes(URL)) {
        res.status(500).send('Blocked URL');
    } // Block URLs

This is used to block URLs

const rewritten = data + `<script src="/native.js"></script>` + `<script>${jsInjection}</script>`; // Element Rewriting + JS Injection

This is used to inject the client/rewriter inside the page as well as injecting custom JS inside the page.
This gives us the benefit of being able to use APIs like document to control the page, compared to using an HTML parser like parse5


The client is also simple.

It checks all elements for href and src attributes and rewrites them to be sandboxed.

For example

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">

Will be rewritten as

<link rel="stylesheet" href="localhost:3000/url/*URL*/style.css">

The clients code is:

function rewrite(element, proxyUrl) {
    const attributes = ['href', 'src']; // Rewrite these attr's

    attributes.forEach(attr => {
        const attrValue = element.getAttribute(attr);

        if (attrValue && !attrValue.includes('native.js')) { // Don't rewrite the rewritier
            const url = new URL(attrValue, proxyUrl);
            element.setAttribute(attr, `${window.location.origin}/url/${url}`);

    if (element.hasAttribute('integrity')) {
        element.removeAttribute('integrity'); // kys

function getUrl() {
    return window.location.pathname.split('/url/').pop(); // Grab URL

const proxyUrl = getUrl();

const elements = document.querySelectorAll('[href], [src]');
elements.forEach(element => rewrite(element, proxyUrl));

It will rewrite the attributes src and href

It also has extra code to fix some issues like the integrity API, making sure all pages get re-written correctly, etc.


Thats a simple Webproxy that does HTML and CSS rewriting :D
I hope you learned something!